PE13 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE13 5 is a postcode sector in Fenland, UK. Below is a complete list of PE13 5 Postcodes (Active). PE13 5 postcode sector comprises of 218 active postcodes. PE13 5 sector has a population of 5699, and it has 2510 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE13 5 postcode sector

PE13 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5699
Addresses / Property Count 2510
Active Postcodes 218
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

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showing 0-50 of 218 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE13 5AA 52.68226200 0.13624500 2 2 544507 311537
PE13 5AB 52.68270700 0.13594200 18 41 544485 311586
PE13 5AD 52.68386300 0.13512500 13 30 544426 311713
PE13 5AE 52.68387400 0.13351300 17 36 544317 311711
PE13 5AF 52.67652700 0.14754800 46 106 545290 310922
PE13 5AG 52.67703500 0.14677400 16 42 545236 310977
PE13 5AH 52.68083600 0.13299500 18 39 544292 311372
PE13 5AJ 52.68266200 0.13444500 8 23 544384 311578
PE13 5AL 52.68288700 0.13692700 1 1 544551 311608
PE13 5AN 52.68380100 0.13658700 12 19 544525 311709
PE13 5AP 52.68600000 0.13691600 1 2 544540 311954
PE13 5AQ 52.67589100 0.14839000 35 54 545349 310853
PE13 5AR 52.68697400 0.13572000 19 43 544456 312060
PE13 5AS 52.68148100 0.13360300 15 38 544331 311445
PE13 5AT 52.68346500 0.13040100 40 97 544108 311659
PE13 5AU 52.68538000 0.13126300 56 111 544160 311874
PE13 5AW 52.68535700 0.13607100 10 24 544485 311881
PE13 5AX 52.68042800 0.13414400 5 13 544371 311329
PE13 5AY 52.67557800 0.12884800 13 24 544029 310779
PE13 5AZ 52.67760700 0.13501200 21 52 544439 311017
PE13 5BA 52.68614200 0.13039800 47 112 544099 311957
PE13 5BB 52.68549600 0.12733300 26 63 543894 311879
PE13 5BD 52.68430000 0.12686100 24 42 543866 311745
PE13 5BE 52.68656300 0.12250200 4 12 543564 311988
PE13 5BF 52.68489000 0.13001200 5 10 544077 311817
PE13 5BG 52.68045300 0.13134900 1 2 544182 311326
PE13 5BH 52.67481800 0.13021700 23 50 544124 310697
PE13 5BJ 52.67435700 0.12875900 2 7 544027 310643
PE13 5BL 52.67362600 0.12801400 2 6 543979 310560
PE13 5BN 52.67526700 0.12717700 11 24 543917 310741
PE13 5BP 52.67326200 0.11663600 29 76 543211 310497
PE13 5BQ 52.67745400 0.13104000 41 99 544171 310992
PE13 5BS 52.67228400 0.11206300 3 5 542905 310379
PE13 5BT 52.67446400 0.11981500 8 13 543422 310637
PE13 5BU 52.68025000 0.11903000 8 16 543350 311279
PE13 5BW 52.67417400 0.12453500 53 113 543742 310614
PE13 5BX 52.68597000 0.11896700 1 2 543327 311915
PE13 5BY 52.68077200 0.13802200 6 16 544632 311375
PE13 5BZ 52.68134500 0.13768000 18 18 544607 311438
PE13 5DA 52.68261800 0.13744600 2 5 544587 311579
PE13 5DB 52.68191500 0.13795900 8 21 544624 311502
PE13 5DD 52.68118700 0.13696200 8 24 544559 311419
PE13 5DE 52.67713600 0.13624700 28 70 544524 310967
PE13 5DF 52.67724100 0.13489100 22 46 544432 310976
PE13 5DG 52.67583200 0.13374200 18 50 544359 310817
PE13 5DH 52.67538500 0.13710800 3 8 544588 310774
PE13 5DJ 52.67455000 0.14149000 35 73 544887 310690
PE13 5DL 52.67550300 0.14298600 17 31 544985 310799
PE13 5DN 52.67469700 0.14481100 23 58 545111 310713
PE13 5DP 52.67530400 0.14654200 15 34 545226 310784
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